Lisa Mack’s focus is always on the horizon. Why? Because it’s not just a symbol of what lies ahead that is of interest, but also a symbol of the vast opportunities before her. Lisa is a fearless world traveler, reiki master, energy worker, entrepreneur, collector, and free spirit. She’s ventured all across the globe not just as a tourist, but as a true explorer, immersing herself in different cultures, communities, and sacred landscapes. With every place she’s visited, she’s brought something home with her…from salt rocks and stones to stories, artwork, and the love of adventure.
Lisa’s spirit of adventure is why she decided to purchase Salinity™ Salts and continue to “sprinkle” the love to loyal customers. Lisa possesses the same kind of sass as the previous salty solopreneurs, in fact, you might describe her as the Beach Boy’s version of a gemstone cowgirl.
Join Lisa in gettin salty by adding a just a pinch of Salinity™ Salt to your life!